Feeling sad for no reason
Feeling sad for no reason

feeling sad for no reason

There’s no need for you to wait until things get worse and your feelings get darker, no need to wait to see if they’ll just pass.

feeling sad for no reason

Talk to your GP, find a counsellor, share your experience with someone close to you, family or friends. These are some symptoms that something isn’t quite right, and the low mood might be an indication of something deeper and more chronic and not simply a normal change of emotional states. If you don’t want to get up or leave the house for days, weeks.If you feel constantly exhausted and without any motivation.If your low mood has been a constant in your life, for a period of more than two weeks.There are some symptoms that should be noticed: Of course, there are situations and a deeper sort of sadness that will need to be looked at in more depth and explored further. Signs that there is something more chronic happening They need to be acknowledged and respected. It’s very physical and brings very real and intense feelings. At some points of the cycle, women can feel deeply sad, emotional, irritated and sensitive. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how the hormonal changes really affect your emotional state. If you are a woman, check your menstrual cycle.Are they able to express their own emotions? If not, they might be holding it all in, and you might be expressing it for them, in a shape of low mood and sadness. This can be a strange and new concept for many people. If you are surrounded by people who aren’t well, or who can’t handle their own emotions, you might be ‘feeling their feelings’ for them. But you might be extra sensitive to feelings around you. Are you picking up other people’s emotions? This is one isn’t that easy to spot.The low mood comes as a way of numbing all the other concerns and worries that might rise from those future events. So you might be - unconsciously - suffering in anticipation, without realising and noticing it. And the mind is also good at protecting you. Is there something challenging that is about to happen in the near further? A difficult meeting, family visit, a task at work, a difficult conversation? Sometimes your mind could be ahead of you: the mind works fast and sometimes before things actually happen.Issues that are pushed away could manifest in forms of low mood, anxiety, anger and even random outbursts and explosions. Notice if the low mood could be a sign of deeper worries and concerns, which you are not addressing directly. However, your worries might manifest in different ways and shapes.

feeling sad for no reason

Are there issues in your life that you are trying not to think about? Trying to push away, hoping that they’ll disappear? Sometimes these ways of coping and surviving serve as a temporary escape from our problems.It’s worth taking some time to pause and reflect on what is really going on for you. There’s no apparent reason for my sadness and low mood And the high expectations that you need to be feeling great the whole time is just not realistic. It’s impossible to be happy all the time, however amazing your life is. But the ‘culture of happiness’ that we live in sometimes isn’t actually helping us. I know sometimes it’s easier said than done. If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, now it’s a good time to pause and start accepting the emotions you are going through. Have you ever noticed that the more you fight against it, the worse it gets?.Have you caught yourself in those cycles of negative thoughts and feelings?.And, the more you ‘feel sad for being sad’, the worse it gets. I end up even more sad and frustrated, really angry at myself for having those feelings’. Many times people tell me they get into a ‘loop of sadness’, and it goes like this: ‘As soon as I notice that I’m in a low mood, I panic, I hate it, I want to get away from it, and I just can’t. You don’t need to try to explain or find a reason. Before assuming that there’s something wrong, take a deep breath and try to accept what you are feeling at that moment.

Feeling sad for no reason